February 13 - 20, 1 9 9 7
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**** The Lyres



This is the first thing the long-running rent party known as the Lyres have released in a dog's age, and it goes all the way back. The earliest tracks come from their second-ever gig (Cantone's, 1979); the most recent are from a WERS broadcast four years later. Fortunately the Lyres' early years sound a lot like the Lyres' middle years, which also sound a lot like the Lyres' recent years. Frontman Jeff "Monoman" Conolly is single-minded in his pursuit of the ultimate three-chord-guitar/Vox-organ thrill, and the 1979 tracks feature three of the four guys who are in the band right now. On the subject of single-mindedness, it's hard to argue with "I Really Want You Right Now," whose lyrics include the song title 32 times -- any questions?

The 24 tracks include a few swell numbers they never did in the studio ("Never Met a Girl like You Before" is the best of their many Kinks kovers), along with perennials like "Soapy," which has turned up in virtually every Lyres set since day one. Crypt honcho Tim Warren contributes liner notes that match the music's over-the-top spirit: "Monoman is by no means a saint, but goddammit, lookit the Lyres RIGHT NOW. Their shows since 1995 have set new friggin' levels o' sheer g' damn GREATNESS." Amen to that, brother.

-- Brett Milano

(The Lyres play a CD-release party this Saturday, February 15, at the Middle East upstairs.)

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