**1/2 Menswe@rNUISANCE
The first band to appear on the
British chart show Top of the Pops without releasing an album,
followed their media-backed ascent with a powerful range of pop tunes on their
CD debut. Led by vocalist Johnny Dean, they deliver uppity songs "Daydreamer,"
"Stardust," and "The One" that liken them to the current kings of Britpop,
Blur. But their true strength is in their melodic ballads. "Being Brave," with
its Smiths-like melancholy,
emerges as the most touching and effective track
when Dean professes, "I don't believe in being brave." This song, along with
"Piece of Me," appears to be the foundation for the album, enabling the other
tracks to take on a predictable jolly-good Britpop sound.
-- Michael McKenzie