February 15 - 22, 1 9 9 6

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**1/2 Plastique


(Rawkus Entertainment)

Most combinations of rap and hard rock collapse of their own awkward weight. On their debut EP, Plastique make the fusion sound organic. It's all part of the same punk, aggressive mix: the heavy guitars sound as credible (and as good) as the samples. But the key is the seamless free exchange between Rippa Armoredilla's toasts and Pete Brag's raw singing. Rippa's raps aren't mere flavoring; they're used as equally weighted instruments in the arsenal to make these songs rock.

Plastique play with style instead of flash. There are no solos here, just plenty of hooks and steady beats (especially on "Losing Time" and "Touch Someone"), leaving the songs catchy and airtight. That makes for a very short 22 minutes. As a bonus, Plastique contribute a new, censor-defying obscenity to popular culture: "rashole."

-- Dan Booth

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