March 7 - 14, 1 9 9 6

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**1/2 Lambchop



["Lambchop"] Now tipping the scales at 13 core musicians and several guests, this Nashvillean watershed of drawl puts the easy listening back into country. Only problem is, with their quirky lyrics and sudden insertions of low woodwinds, they are just too weird to share a genre with anyone. "To whom can I speak today?" ringleader Kurt Wagner begins "The Man Who Loved Beer," like some roadside preacher trying to copy the grammar he heard on PBS.

Fans of last year's debut will not be disappointed with this follow-up by these Rev. Howard Finsters of song. If anything they've mastered their low shimmer and greased up the strings so they're extra-slick and slinky. When the timpani roll the point home in "The Militant" (fast version), it sounds like a Southern high-school all-regional band after they've hog-tied the director -- all wayward talent and just too many toys.

You can play Lambchop's album as sweet dinner background -- they're that lovely -- but you might soon develop a nervous tic, or feel the need to see the giant peach in Gaffney, South Carolina. Quick hits of fun include "Life's Little Tragedy," "Smuckers," "All Smiles and Mariachi," and "Garf." Best of luck to you.

-- Renée Crist

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