** Grey Eye Glances
(Parachute/Mercury Records)
Listening to
this album is like taking a stroll along a straight path on a fairly warm
summer's day. The scenery is pleasant though a bit plain: a generic flower, a
nameless bird, perhaps a weeping willow. The trail offers no surprises, either
-- no sudden curves, no changes of terrain or direction, no slopes.
The band's pop-rock sound is built around Jennifer Nobel's mellifluous voice,
which doesn't always convey the passion and intensity necessary to grab the
heart strings. The guitars (electric for fast songs, acoustic for slow) and
keyboards produce catchy chord progressions to complement Nobel's simple
melodies; for the most part, though, they're purely background. The big
disappointment is in the choruses; the tunes lack any build-up of tension and
subsequent resolution, or even any noticeable transitions. Climaxes are
conspicuously absent; though many of the verses start out with a promising
vibe, they simply don't go anywhere. Sure, you'll find yourself whistling or
snapping your fingers when provoked by a mindless foray into la-la-pop and
bubblegum, major chords and lonely-hearts conventionality. But the pervading
feeling is one of familiarity, predictability, and distance.
-- Y. Ryan Gonen