March 14 - 21, 1 9 9 6

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**** Randy Weston's African Rhythms



Pianist Randy Weston's first small-band recording in decades dispels any doubt that he is at a peak in his long career. Combining Monk's formal simplicity and angularity with Ellington's romanticism and the rhythms of Africa, Weston's music has never sounded more uplifting or powerful than in the hands of this all-star sextet.

Tenor-saxophonist Billy Harper, with a barrel-chested, sanctified sound brimming with R&B earthiness and Coltrane-inspired spirituality, is the band's most attention-getting soloist. He delivers a moving ballad performance on "The Beauty of It All," and a tumultuous solo of cascading lines on "Loose Wig." Veteran trombonist Benny Powell is more subtle but no less impressive. His relaxed, assured soloing exudes intelligence and soul, and his conversational interplay with Weston on "F.E.W. Blues" is an album highlight. Alto saxophonist Taliq Kibwe burnishes his tone to a golden glow that warms his tumbling post-bop lines on "Tangier Bay." He and Harper inspire each other in their exchanges on "Saucer Eyes." The leader takes a couple of feature spots for himself, including a dark and mysterious "Lagos" and a Duke-ishly lyrical "Uncle Neemo."

-- Ed Hazell

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