March 21 - 28, 1 9 9 6

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**1/2 Salt



Swedish band Salt make a lot of loud, spirited noise that has more in common with Arson Garden than ABBA or Ace of Base. The band's serrated, guitar-soaked drone washes over the songs while drummer Jim Tegman's authoritative pounding and Daniel Ewerman's rock-solid bass lines keep things from getting too hypnotic.

But what ultimately makes Salt so addicting is Nina Ramsby's commanding vocals, which fuse the raw-throated emotion of PJ Harvey with Siouxsie Sioux's psychotic delivery. Ramsby's obsessive ruminations about love throughout Auscultate create an underlying tension. When she sings, "I won't leave until I'm done with you/Trust me, you will need me too," it's hard not to get a little spooked.

-- Mark Klimek

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