April 3 - 10, 1 9 9 7
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*** The Dear Janes



Yes, they're two women doing harmonies (one American and deep-voiced, one English and purple-haired), and yes, they're usually acoustic with minimal accompaniment. But the Dear Janes, who opened for Robyn Hitchcock at T.T.'s recently, aren't the sweet folkie things that you may be expecting/dreading. More Squeeze than Cranberries, they work within a more classic Brit-pop format; they may be pretty but they ain't ethereal.

The opening "Get off the Cross" is what Indigo Girls would sound like if their recent swing to a harder/darker sound were to continue for three more albums. It's also the only track so far this year to include both a wah-wah guitar and a dulcimer. The Dear Janes aren't afraid to cultivate some odd dissonances in their harmonies, to mess with cabaret and Middle Eastern influences, or to use a bassoon on a country song. There's a sad undertone in their tunes more often than not -- "Dangerous Dangerous Nuts" is about fearing you're one of those -- but that competes with a brighter pop buoyancy. And it's good to hear the lighter side win out for a change.

-- Brett Milano

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