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*1/2 No Doubt



This Southern California sextet are suffering from a serious identity crisis. No Doubt amalgamate reggae, ska, funk, jazz and pop -- but they waters them down. The result never develops a cohesive identity.

The 14 tracks on Tragic Kingdom were recorded at 11 different studios, and it sounds as if the band had adopted a hip new style for each location (some '70s scratch guitar here, an Aerosmith-esque power ballad there), covering all bases in the hopes that some song, any song, might garner radio play. Thus far the only truly clever track, "Just a Girl," has done the trick. But from the reggae-lite of "Spiderwebs" to the corny sitar on "Hey You," the band keep falling back on clever gimmicks and slick studio effects. Gwen Stefani's Geddy-Lee-meets-Betty-Boop vocals don't help. The 15 (!) photos of the band on the CD insert further prove what No Doubt's music reveals loud and clear: these guys know how to pose.

-- Mark Klimek

(No Doubt play Mama Kin Tuesday, April 9.)

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