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*** Silkworm



It takes either steady nerves and a good dose of self-loathing or a couple of stiff shots of what John Wayne movies used to call firewater to open a disc with a line like "No more simple tunes/No more easy poon." (Hell, aren't those the cornerstones of the American rock experience?) But if you know anything about this stoic Seattle trio, who used to be a foursome when Joel R.L. Phelps was still in the band, then you'll read that first lyric as the deadpan joke it's intended as. Easy chicks and riffs have never been part of Silkworm's gritty aesthetic.

Staring down the ugliness of a gray, disappointing world where, as they put it in "Cannibal Cannibal," "it takes a lot of nerve just to get up in the morning" is what inspires guitarist Andy Cohen and bassist Tim Midgett. But there's a fair amount of subtle, wickedly dark humor on Firewater if you bother to read between Steve Albini's spartan production and lines like "He gets drunk while I chase fame" ("Slow Hands"). And there's beauty in the way Cohen's angular guitar thrashing, which calls to mind the exquisite tension of Television, rises above the despondent din of an intensely bleak backdrop, just like Tom Verlaine's "Venus de Milo."

-- Matt Ashare

(Silkworm headline T.T. the Bear's Place this Sunday, April 7.)

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