April 24 - May 1, 1 9 9 7
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*** The Folk Implosion



Before their 1995 radio hit "Natural One" (from the Kids soundtrack), the Folk Implosion (John Davis and Sebadoh's Lou Barlow) were known mostly for insider-only indie-rock tchakas: open sketchbooks and the bric-a-brac of pop life, raps, hardcore screeds, answering-machine babble, even a few good tunes. Now -- surprise! -- they cough up a whole album of real-life goodies, verse-chorus songs with hooks.

All the digressions and curios are still here, but now assimilated into the tunes. That could mean the hip-hop beat, McCartney bass line, and maharajah strings of "Insinuation"; the primitive dub pop of "Park Dub"; the harmonium oompah of "Dare To Be Surprised"; the pretty straight Monkees pop of "Barricade"; or the occasional Beefheart-like lurching tandem guitars. The details turn up in all the right places, holding and being held by the limber song structures. If there's a self-conscious nudge-wink in the Beck-like patchwork impressionism, the imagery comes into deep focus when Davis and Barlow croon bittersweetly in harmony for a lost love or some other unnamed want.

-- Jon Garelick

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