April 25 - May 2, 1 9 9 6

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***1/2 DJ Spooky


(Knitting Factory Works)

"A compilation of NYC experimental trip hop ambient dub & jungle," says the cover of this 17-track CD mixed by DJ Spooky (real name Paul D. Miller), whose mostly instrumental turntable work blends two strains of disco taste that have hitherto remained quite separate. First, there are 1970s-style electronic rhythm alternations reminiscent, in tracks like "Byzar," "Zvona," and "Le segue," of Kraftwerk, Giorgio Moroder, and Tantra -- complete with all the usual space-disco sound effects. Second, there are the heavy slow-foot beats of hip-hop. These styles remained separate in part because the first's sparkle attracted a very distinct audience from those who liked hip-hop's growl.

Spooky's sculptures obliterate these distinctions. His mixes scrape the cuteness away from electronic disco without sacrificing its mystifying fuzz. His hip-hop, being purely instrumental, speaks of no specific neighborhood -- only of a universally diffuse, dark melodic menace enveloping any and all who might choose to party inside the grim pleasure dome Spooky calls "necropolis."

-- Michael Freedberg

(Tortoise come to the Middle East Wednesday, May 1, with the Sea and Cake and 5ive Style.)

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