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*** Glazed Baby


(Red Decibel)

In a way, heavy metal has always been about the end of the world. These days, the Cold War threat of self-destruction has been internalized -- from the personal wranglings of alterna-rock stars to deep-seeded ideological divisions played out in the nation's heartland. But it's the old fear that Glazed Baby are scratching like a scar that never healed. The album opens with an Atomic Cafe-style Civil Defense broadcast and escalates into annihilation. But the sirens and static-roar crunch of Ground Zero, the frenzied rush of people and events, aren't just the context; they become the actual sonic themes and touchstones. Glazed Baby's compositions are less songs than warped fugues: a constantly shifting tableaux of harsh, cinematic textures that employ the same kind of sci-fi-feedback and guitar-as-interference approaches that fellow Providence natives Six Finger Satellite employed on The Pigeon Is the Most Popular Bird. Subterranean basslines rumble with an apocalyptic whallop, creaking into an overdrive that at times overwhelms the mix and just lays there crackling like a downed power line. This dense, acerbic territory has been covered before, but Glazed Baby orchestrate their chaos with the authority of true noise auteurs.

-- Carly Carioli

(Glazed Baby play with Zeni Geva and Today Is the Day at the Middle East upstairs on Friday, May 3.)

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