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*** Stabbing Westward



With the release of their second album, Stabbing Westward have found a distinctive sound: an organic machine that whistles, screeches and growls like a black-and-white movie monster. "I Don't Believe," the album's first track, is a self-destructive grind with a snarling melodic hook and a bridge that sounds as if it was recorded underwater. "Shame" epitomizes Stabbing Westward's sonic signature: white-noisy percussion mixing freely with acoustic drums, pulsing waves of background keyboards, and deceptively sweet vocals that explode into a desperate rage during the chorus. "Slipping Away" builds from dirty garage rock into industrial dance propelled by rapidly moving synths and artificial beats. The bait-and-switch is unexpected but coherent. And when the garage band smashes full force into the programmed plastic sounds the result is terrifying.

-- Jonathan Follett

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