May 9 - 16, 1 9 9 6

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** Emmet Swimming



As if the teeming millions of Smiths-influenced bands from England weren't enough, there has to be one carrying the torch from Fairfax, Virginia, as well. Emmet Swimming's highly sculpted take on suburban-teen anomie shows a penchant for minor keys and nifty little riffs. The gloomy and crisp guitar chords of "Jump in the Water" and the aching, sparse notes of "Expect Me" take the place of Johnny Marr's shimmering guitar lines, and Todd Watts does his best Morrissey-meets-Eddie Vedder emoting -- which is nicely over the top.

There's loads of pathos here, which is a mixed bag -- a person can stomach only so much self-indulgence, self-pity, and introspection. The lyric "Now he's driving on the interstate, and he starts to feel free" almost makes you nostalgic for high school. Although the tricky rhythms and attention to songcraft keep the album interesting, the one-dimensional thematic content limits its impact. At the very least, the Brits will see that we Yanks can make music about depression and nostalgia with the best of them. Too bad it's no way to go through life.

-- Felix Khalatnikov

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