May 23 - 30, 1 9 9 6

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*** Republica



Within their chosen confines of fast-paced Eurodance and rhythmic synth-pop, the British fivesome Republica create an unselfconscious glee all too scarce in today's hit music. Even their dislikes  -- "Out of the Darkness" talks about the workday's demands on one's time, "Picture Me" makes fun of cover girls -- move fast, unhindered, in a so-what, comic vein. So you can imagine how buoyant the melodies of party-time blastoffs like "Wrapp," "Ready To Go," and "Drop Dead Gorgeous" must sound.

They draw their noise riffs from the same 15-year-old Tantra songs that still inspire today's Eurodance, but maybe thanks to the utterly clueless, happy pout achieved by their female lead voice, they never sound boringly profound or archaically maudlin. Which means that though they won't mean much to Enigma fans or searchers after the next Crystal Waters, they'll rescue anyone who can't wait for Blondie to come back or for Boy George to stop acting the pompous fool.

-- Michael Freedberg

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