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** Polyphemus


(Beggars Banquet)

After a brilliant opening track, "Green River Shell," which highlights Brian Leary's polymorphous skills (organ, guitars, drums, tambourines, and assorted sounds), this encomium to psychedelic music can become indulgent. The lyrics and music on "Stonecutter" never escape Leary's very private place: "You like to flirt in the land of the walking celluloid jellyheads grow your own/Carry your stone." The musical ideas shed no light.

In time all of Leary's considerable skills do come into focus. "It's More Than I Realized" combines funky guitar stylizations with a simple four-bar piano arrangement and develops nice bridges. "Cloudships" is a petite symphony in the fine tradition of very early Genesis. But "The Strange High House of Mist" and several other tracks ambush the better efforts. Ominous orchestrations only amplify the worst of progressive rock's theatrics. The effect is something like Emerson, Lake & Palmer crossed with the Church's Steve Kilbey at his most pretentious. Only "Very Lost Train" and "For Melissa Jean" find the balance between logic and hallucination.

-- Craig Thorn

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