May 30 - June 6, 1 9 9 6

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*** Steve Lacy


(Cavity Search)

Lacy's solo performances show the soprano-saxophonist at his best -- his knotty, meditative compositions, his peerless sense of tone and dynamics, his lyricism and whimsy, his steely focus. Pieces develop stepwise, with staccato four- or five-note motifs, then blossom into pure melodic invention. The logical comparison is with painting and drawing as much as music. These spare inventions conjure Japanese calligraphy, the line drawings of Matisse or Ellsworth Kelly.

Lacy draws your attention to the "thickness" of a melodic line, its texture. His long held notes or parallel ascending and descending figurations are the equivalent of black-mark sound against the white ground of silence. The long-line opening of "Moms" (a double portrait of Lacy's mother and his wife) matches a sardonic downward fall with fanciful extended lines separated by a rude split-tone punctuation. The title track develops abstractions of extended technique -- playing into a piano, he creates ghost echoes from the strings before floating off into light whistles. But even at his most abstract, Lacy creates a sense of form ("Gospel" even has a kicky melodic hook). This collection of old and new pieces is a welcome addition to his 100-plus album discography.

-- Jon Garelick

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