June 5 - 12, 1997
[Music Reviews]
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*** Jabuti



In the '60s, Brazil's romantic bossa nova music sounded hip, even rebellious. Legions of elevators and shopping centers have since taken the sting out of bossa. But here's a young singer/guitarist working from bossa nova roots and creating lively, engaging songs you might actually like to hear while shopping -- or partying.

A big part of Jabuti's appeal is his stripped-down format, which lets his strong, silky voice and elegant gut-string guitar work fill the soundscape. He hits a range of moods: breezy sensuality ("O Pingo"), yearning and angst ("Bico de Passaro"), sexual bravado ("O Beijo"). On "O Beijo" Jabuti and his guitar convey the particularly Brazilian take on funk that has long colored the best electric pop coming out of Rio. Later on, he nods to samba and sings in a creamy falsetto on "Grito Tupi." Mostly, Jabuti favors dreamier romantic moods, relying on dark harmonies and guitar chops to give his sound edge, and on clever vocal hooks to project pop appeal.

-- Banning Eyre

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