June 6 - June 13, 1 9 9 6

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**1/2 Blind Owl



This Boston-based group are no longer together, but renewed interest overseas among progressive rock fans has inspired singer/songwriter Bruce Alger to re-release their 1988 debut. At times they display the complexities and grandiose aspirations of second-generation Yes-prog-rockers. At others they show a more commercial, pomp-rock approach, à la Magnum.

Despite this unevenness, there's a lot to recommend: the melancholy, classical-flavored acoustic guitar of "Hymn for 84," the ominous, otherworldly keyboard work of "The Second Coming," the airy synths, wispy guitars, and dreamy vocals of "Moroccan Sand," the churning, brooding atmosphere of "Digital Animal Suite," a nightmarish ode to the Route 128 technology strip. Even on a more commercial track like the guitar-driven "The Seed Has Been Sown," Alger's songwriting shines, with cleverly placed yet subtle tempo changes and rhythmic shifts that maintain a nice flow without pretentious musical flourishes. (Order from Raptor Records at Box 424, Billerica 01821.)

-- Bryan Reesman

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