June 6 - June 13, 1 9 9 6

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**1/2 Dada


(IRS Records)

If Dada had any idea their catchy-but-dumb "Dizz Knee Land" (from their '92 debut, Puzzle) would be the song with which they'd forever be identified, this otherwise prolific trio might never have recorded it -- and they might be well on their way to the recognition they deserve. American Highway Flower, their sequel, was an understated gem, and among the best albums of '94.

On El Subliminoso, Mike Gurley, Joie Calio, and Phil Leavitt continue to craft songs that are intelligent, challenging, and chock-full of killer hooks. A father and son bond while dropping acid on the endearing "A Trip with My Dad." Calio's droning, industrial-sounding bass haunts "The Spirit of 2009" -- a lyrical postscript to Nirvana's "Smells like Teen Spirit." On "I "Get High" Gurley's guitar playing spirals into Townshend-esque windmills; "Bob the Drummer," with its smooth-funk groove and lilting falsetto touches, wouldn't seem out of place on a Phish disc. Dada's propensity for turning commonplace events into cinematic-sized moments separates them from today's pack of "scrunge rockers." They're in a class by themselves.

-- David Gérard

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