June 13 - June 20, 1 9 9 6

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***1/2 Dave McKenna/Joe Temperley



The 67-year-old Temperley is a veteran big-band baritone player (Woody Herman, Buddy Rich, Thad Jones/Mel Lewis), and maybe it's all that section work that accounts for his tonal control. It's not merely that he can play every conceivable color his horn is capable of; he knows which colors go together. His low notes rock, his highs whisper, and they're all fully articulated. He uncorks the particular beauties each tune demands. Add to that the delicacy of his legato lines and you have one of the finest mainstream players alive, along with the likes of Ruby Braff and, Temperley's partner here, pianist Dave McKenna.

Temperley's control is such that his warbling, back-of-the-throat trill on Ellington's "Sunset and the Mockingbird" risks affectation. But he swings too hard for sentimentality, and there's no bric-a-brac when he and McKenna take turns singing a melody on their instruments. Temperley also takes a sweet turn with his soprano on his original "Nightingale," and he savors every interval of Duke's "Black and Tan Fantasy" with bass clarinet. You can hear the decades of dedication in every fine-grained note.

-- Jon Garelick

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