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** Billie Ray Martin



Martin's sleepy-voiced, distanced performance of "Space Oasis" was the only transcendent song featured in Wigstock: The Movie (Sire). Her solo debut includes this number, but most of the remaining 12 tracks lack integrity and excitement. It could have been otherwise. The European-born Martin might, for example, have updated some of those lethally slim, black-eyed vixen songs Marlene Dietrich used to spin, even waltzed herself a few of the nightshade blues and purple jazz numbers that win after-dark fans for France's svelte Liane Foly.

But that would be the musicianly thing to do, and producer Eric Kupper permits Martin little musicianship, mostly attitude: narcissism and retro, the superficialities of a New York-driven diva style emptied of all spark. Like a bad drag queen, Martin Broadways her soprano to death on melodramatic lyrics and melodies as soft as trash-bag plastic. Such gesturing is embarrassing, whether in mock-soulful songs like "Hands Up and Amen" or ludicrous titles like "True Moments of My World" and "Imitation of Life." Worse, you can hear other singers' voices coursing through her mouth: Jennifer Rush, Loleatta Holloway, Annie Lennox, and all of it in vain.

-- Michael Freedberg

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