And like Clinton, Digital Underground are inconsistent. On Future Rhythm they pick up where they left off with The Body-Hat Syndrome (1993) -- it's nowhere near as enjoyable as their early releases Sex Packets and This Is an E.P. Release EP (1991), but it's miles above the thoroughly dull Sons of the P (1991). The album's early tracks, "Walk Real Kool" and "Oregano Flow," combine smooth grooves with harmonious and catchy wordplay. Later on, the music gets clunky and nondescript. Fortunately, the humor sustains itself. But the funniest element is the CD booklet; it features descriptions of silly, horny computer games including "Infant Food Fight" and "Choose from over 200 multi-colored asses (rich to poor, dark to light) to see which ones don't stank when dey poot."
-- Mark Bazer