June 27 - July 4, 1 9 9 6
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***1/2 Sheila Chandra


(Real World/Caroline)

These six tracks are akin to the current electronic trend of deep ambient music, but here Anglo-Indian Chandra's vocals are the focal point of the trance-inducing drones, which include elongated synthetic tones, many sounding like samples of her own ethereal, haunting voice. Other musical elements reinforce the dense atmosphere: a bellowing didjeridoo momentarily fractures the placidity of the sitar-drenched "ABoneCroneDrone 2," but its low tones mesh with the droning ambiance, quickly becoming complementary rather than disruptive. A wash of sitars returns on "5," over which Chandra intones delicate, circular melodies. On the first and third tracks, she mixes higher-pitched, dancing vocal rhythms within the context of the drones, granting subtle forward movement to the tranquil aural environment; it's a talent she displays throughout the album. Unlike much ambient music, Chandra's temple of sound provides real solace and sanctuary.

-- Bryan Reesman

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