July 3 - 10, 1997
[Music Reviews]
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*** The Dollar Brand Trio


(Reprise Archives)

Although it made sense in 1963, it's no longer appropriate to file this disc under "Ellington." The great South African pianist/composer Dollar Brand (now Abdullah Ibrahim) was adrift in Europe when Ellington heard him and arranged a recording session for the struggling pianist. The result is a charming mix of Thelonious Monkisms colliding with South African folk tunes. There's even a devout (if somewhat hurried) cover of Monk's "Brilliant Corners," a feat for any pianist. The one tribute Brand offered to his benefactor was a sly quote from the Duke's "Rockin' in Rhythm." Brand's synthesis of Monk would grow far more sophisticated over the decades, and he's come to be known by his own name. But this is a worthy sample of his youthful talent.

-- Norman Weinstein

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