Like fellow Oregon lesbian rockers Team
Dresch, the Vegas Beat appropriate the DIY spirit of straight-white-boy punk
for their own empowerment and, more important, amusement. The similarity
shouldn't come as any surprise to fans who have been following the rocky saga
of Team Dresch over the past year, which has seen the group's unstable line-up
shift to include guitarist Amanda Kelley and drummer Marci Martinez. And, yes,
Kelley and Martinez have also been moonlighting as the singing/songwriting
force behind the emotionally charged, muscular melodicism of the Vegas Beat.
The duo clearly have a sexual-political agenda, which pretty much comes with
the territory for dyke punks and gives their songs the kind of earnest edge
that was once the domain of the boys in the DC punk scene (Minor Threat, Rites
of Spring, Fugazi). The mid-tempo strum-and-drone guitar-bass-and-drums of
"Cyst" is played against a background tape of what sounds like a radio
talk-show host commenting on the evils of homosexuality. But elsewhere Kelley
and Martinez opt for personal introspection over political agitation, and for
the classic combination of brisk beats, bristling hooks, and frayed melodies
over either.
-- Matt Ashare
(The Vegas Beat play this Wednesday, July 9, at the Fishtown
Artspace in Gloucester with Mancie; call 508-283-1381. They play the following
night, July 10, upstairs at the Middle East in Cambridge with Glissenette and
Moveable; call 864-EAST.)