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***1/2 Capercaillie
(Green Linnet)
In lieu of a new album from
Scotland's best hip traditional band, we get this 1992 compilation of live
versions and remixes. "Waiting for the Wheel To Turn," "Servant to the Slave,"
"Coisich a' Rùin" ("Come On, Love"), and "Dr. MacPhail's Trance"
(formerly "Dr. MacPhail's Reel") are from the 1991 release Delirium; the
traditional Gaelic love song "Fear a' Bhàta" ("The Boatman") is from the
1988 TV-documentary soundtrack The Blood Is Strong. New here are the
puirt-a-beul (Scottish rap) "Pige Ruadh," the snatch of lullaby "Dean Cadalan
Sàmhach" ("Sleep Softly"), "Outlaws" (yet another song of the
dispossessed), and "Silver Spear Reels," which builds on a familiar Irish
The alternate versions rock a little harder, particularly "Waiting for the
Wheel To Turn," where a solid backbeat replaces the conga patter, and the hit
"Coisich a' Rùin," a waulking song that swings. "Servant to the Slave"
offers the same lulling ocean lilt and smell of salt spray. If you have
Delirium, you don't really need this unless you're a true fan -- and why
wouldn't you be? But if your Capercaillie collection is sparse, by all means
snap this up.
-- Jeffrey Gantz
(Capercaillie play the Berklee Performance Center this Friday, July 12.)
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