Chris Holmes has been known to aim for the ethereal astral plane in his two other musical projects: the Hawkwindish space-rock outfit Sabalon Glitz and the Orb-style ambient duo Ashtar Command. But with Yum-Yum he stays focused on more earthly exotic pleasures, which include rediscovering the warm and fuzzy vibe of the Beach Boys' Pet Sounds. Dulcet string arrangements, mellifluous organ drones, and brisk, soothing strums of guitar are the organic, homegrown ingredients that flow in the spare backdrop of Yum-Yum's orchestral pop, creating a rich, subtle pastiche of retro-futurist flavors. *** Yum-Yum
You can hear shades of the Moody Blues (!) when the gently billowing clouds of distortion envelop the near-whisper unison vocals on "Sister," or catch a hint of the Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour in the lite-psychedelia of the title track. Holmes undercuts the pretension associated with the objects of his inspiration by infusing Yum-Yum with a healthy dose of lo-fi simplicity. But don't let the guitar-chord charts that are printed with the lyrics fool you -- there's sophisticated songcraft and arranging skills behind the modest curtain of melancholy that drapes Dan Loves Patti.
-- Matt Ashare
(Yum-Yum join Letters to Cleo and Dig for a free WFNX/Boston Phoenix concert at the Hatch Shell this Saturday, August 10, at 5:30 p.m.)