October 31 - November 7, 1 9 9 6
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***1/2 Ian Faith


(Skill Boy)

A local outfit that carries an acoustic guitar on stage and still dares to play what the A&R sharks call alternative rock needs big balls here in Garage Pop City. Or it needs the kind of singing, songwriting, and vocal power that Ian Faith display on their debut EP (and in their live performances). What's first striking is the simplicity of their arrangements: the way their keen musicianship lets Sam Wahl's generous vocal melodies ring over the mix; the way Jeff Lemons's subtle touches of phase shifter shimmer beneath the surface of the music, and the precision of his guitar solos and rhythmic instincts; the way bassist Andrew Bissaro and drummer Mark Flynn (Leo Spaziani now plays drums in the group) maintain momentum without condescending to punk simplicity or showy chops. (The bass lines are especially engaging.) Then the songs, emotional plaints somewhat on the needy side, start sticking. "Lost in the Translation" has a lyric/melody mix that's caressed by Wahl's sweet-butter voice. "Everybody Knows You Now" offers the same combination, abetted by a pulsing and swelling guitar-rhythm that draws the listener along. It takes sophisticated players to make music this plain good.

-- Ted Drozdowski

(Ian Faith play Toad in Cambridge this Saturday, November 2.)

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