November 23 - 30 , 1 9 9 5

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**1/2 Timbuk 3


(High Street/Windham Hill)

"Sunshine is dangerous . . . beware of too much happiness," Timbuk 3 warn. After tackling religious dogma and political orthodoxy on earlier albums, the Austin-based couple of Pat MacDonald and Barbara K. here aim their cynical wit at romance.

Sinewy guitar lines snake around the duo's close harmonies in this rough-yet-sophisticated acoustic-folk/rock/white-funk amalgam. Catchy hooks and choruses ("Legalize our love!") sugarcoat an ugly worldview where the duo see little difference between "pray" and "prey." Drummer Wally Ingram switches to Asian tombla and bongla on "Kitchen Fire," a metaphor for the way Indian wives "accidentally" burn to death so their husbands can go after new dowries. Back in '86, Timbuk 3 (their bygone boombox being the third band member) actually had a hit with "The Future's So Bright, I've Got To Wear Shades." They don't see the future too brightly now, either, but at least, within its darkness, "Cynical" is a happy love song.

- Bruce Sylvester


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