** Will Provost
(5 Guys Named Will)
At its best, Will
Provost's debut is a kind of folk-noir soundtrack, recounting in hard-boiled,
hipsterese ("I guess making me stand around watching while you pick your poison
is just one of the tricks you know") night-time scenes on city streets and in
pick-up bars. Imagine a whole song cycle narrated by the character from Elvis
Costello's "Watching the Detectives" (or, more accurately, by someone who
imagines himself to be that guy) -- a character who, it turns out, is a rabid
Chet Baker fan -- and you get a handle on Provost's sensibility. When Provost
gives the guy melodies, hooks, and a band to work with, as on the Latin-style
"My Dream Girl" -- featuring a great spoken-word cameo by Faith Soloway -- and
on the Police-like reggae/rock of the title track, with its sinister riff, the
formula gets under your skin. But when he provides only solo acoustic guitar or
piano for support, as on about half the tracks, the tunes sink under the weight
of their verbiage and their lack of identifiable melody.
-- Seth Rogovoy
(Will Provost plays a CD-release party at the Kendall Cafe in Cambridge
tonight, December 5, with special guests including Faith Soloway, Magi Baron,
and Jerry Gregoire.)