December 14 - 21 , 1 9 9 5

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**1/2 Gem



Cleveland's Gem, not to be confused with the "truly outrageous" rock Barbie of old, began in 1994 when vocalist/guitarist Doug Gillard recruited three Cleveland scene veterans as a back-up band to perform his one-man project's songs live. On Hexed, their first full-length album, songwriting and singing tasks are shared -- mainly between Gillard and second vocalist/guitarist Tim Tobias -- and Gem display more, well, facets than Gillard's one-man band.

The breakaway star so far is "Suburban Girl," a Hüsker Dü-flavored tribute to cute girls stuck in box houses, which earned airplay on Cleveland's commercial alternative WMMS after it won a listener-call-in contest five nights in a row. But the track in more imminent danger of winning over unsuspecting listeners is Gillard's "Your Heroes Hate You," a hypercatchy, harmonic rockabilly ditty that's more of a novelty than a representative single. In general, the Gillard-penned tracks tend toward more distortion and swingy hooks; Tobias's contributions take more risks with vocal harmonies and exposed guitars. What's consistent here is Gem's ability to take accessible pop songs to unanticipated climaxes.

-- Mary Chen

(Gem play this Sunday, December 17, at T.T. the Bear's Place.)

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