December 14 - 21 , 1 9 9 5

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**1/2 Various Artists


(Zero Hour)

It probably happened this way: when Kevin Salem was in fifth grade, he won a show-and-tell contest by dazzling his entire school with his Shane MacGowan impersonation. Twenty years later, he finally uses it in a cover of the Pogues' nitty-gritty Christmas classic, "Fairy Tale of New York," which he performs with Grover (whose singer, Angie Carlson, takes the Kirsty MacColl part). Salem's Shane voice is hilariously accurate, and he doesn't even drink.

The entire Zero Hour label roster (including the Dirt Merchants, cavorting through "Jingle Bells") contribute to this CD, part of which spoofs the Phil Spector Christmas album and too much of which comes across as self-consciously indie (i.e., snide and off-key). But there are nice seasonal originals by the Cucumbers and Stephanie Sayers, and a surprise highlight by Nicole Blackman, whom some of us know as director of a New York PR firm. She contributes a witty spoken-word list of "What I Want for Christmas": "I want bands like Pearl Jam and R.E.M. to stop being so earnest. . . . I want to come up with a new amusement-park ride that feels like you're on really good drugs that doesn't make you throw up afterward. . . . I want Laurie Anderson to stop. Talking. Like. That." From now on, all of Ms. Blackman's calls get returned.

-- Brett Milano

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