April 24 - May 1, 1 9 9 7
[Governor's Race]

The 1998 Governor's Race

Profiles of the four major contenders

introduction by Michael Crowley

The 1998 Massachusetts governor's race promises to be a colorful, rough-and-tumble and maybe even substantive battle between some of the state's brightest political stars. The Phoenix has profiled the four main contenders - Rep. Joe Kennedy and Attorney General Scott Harshbarger, the Democrats; and Lieutenant Governor Paul Cellucci and state Treasurer Joe Malone, the Republicans.

Some of the key questions we've tried to answer: Can anyone compete with Kennedy glitz? Why is Scott Harshbarger pissed? How does Cellucci save himself? And is Joe Malone a self-promoter or a smart reformer?

The 1998 election will be a pivotal moment as the state, having at last recovered from a crippling recession, can turn its eye from the past to the future. We hope we've captured the competing visions - as well as the distinctive personalities - of the four men who feel they're up to the task.

Lieutenant Governor Paul Cellucci
Attorney General Scott Harshbarger
Rep. Joe Kennedy
State Treasurer Joe Malone