Web of doom
The World-Wide Web offers plenty of sites where you can learn more about --
and, in some cases, pursue -- engineered catastrophe. In fact, many experts
cite the Internet as a potentially key new resource for terrorists.
For instance, diagrams and instructions (albeit simplistic ones) for a nuclear
device can be found simply by connecting to Yahoo and searching under "build
nuclear bomb." About a dozen sites will give you the goods. The one with the
simplest address is
Fortunately, the Web is filled with plenty of do-gooders as well. One of the
best organizations studying the perils of an unstable post-Cold War world is
the Henry L. Stimson Center, in Washington, a think tank devoted to arms
control and peace. It makes its resources available at
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, the
Cambridge-based Nobel Prize-winning group that has imagined the consequences of
a nuclear explosion in Boston, has gone online in its quixotic mission to rid
the world of nuclear arms, at
Perhaps the leading experts on chemical and biological terrorism are the folks
at Washington's Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute, who archive
news clippings, policy papers, and speeches at
For more details on the make-up of chemical and biological weapons, how they
might be delivered, and what they might do to you, check out the Centre for
Defence and International Security Studies' summary of "Devil's Brews" at
Growing concerns about terrorism have prompted new restrictions on civil
liberties -- such as increased government wiretapping powers -- that have
brought heated denouncements from libertarians like the ones at the Cato
Institute, in Washington. Its website offers a report on protecting civil
liberties from anti-terrorist hysteria. It can be found at