Angela Thurman was having a particularly bad morning. The
32-year-old assistant clothing buyer was in such a rush to get to work that she
spilled a large black coffee on the hood of her car and then knocked the
overflowing ashtray to the floor. After struggling through her morning
appointments, she went to get her car washed at lunchtime.
"One of the employees greeted me at the car wash, gave me a claim check, and
told me to pay at the cashier inside," says Thurman, nervously chewing the skin
around her fingernails. "Other than that 15-second conversation, I never gave
him a second thought."
Thurman didn't learn until a year later that instead of simply cleaning the
inside of her car, the friendly guy at the car wash first rifled through her
personal belongings and copied down information from her car registration. Then
he vacuumed.
Thurman soon got into her car and drove back to work, completely unaware that
she had left a lasting impression.
Over the next several months, Thurman received over four dozen roses, three
boxes of chocolates, two bottles of perfume, 10 scented candles, and black lace
She has been followed. Someone once left men's clothing in her car to be found
by her then-fiancé. Her night-school professor, after receiving an
anonymous call, began doubting Thurman's work was her own. Her house has been
broken into.
Thurman says the endless shower of gifts, and her growing paranoia, led to the
end of her engagement to her fiancé. Distressed by her professor's
mistrust, she dropped out of classes.
"My life has become such a paranoid mess that the expensive house and car
alarms I had to install still don't stop me from feeling unsafe," she says.
Thurman, unfortunately, is not alone. Nightmarish situations like hers
prompted the Massachusetts legislature to pass a law in 1992 that protects
women from stalkers. But critics say that the anti-stalking laws, which are
being reviewed by legislators this year, need refining. Currently, the laws
help when victims know their stalkers -- which is the case most of the time --
but not when the stalker is a stranger, as in Thurman's case. Critics also say
the law needs to be more precise about what exactly constitutes stalking,
especially in today's world of faxes, beepers, and e-mail.
Stalking is a nationwide problem. According to a recent study by the National
Institute of Justice, in Washington, D.C., one in twelve US women say they have
been stalked at least once. Stalking "transcends race, age, and economic
standing, from high school students to national celebrities like Madonna," says
Rhonda Martinson of the National Battered Women's Justice Project.
But it is also an extremely complex problem. Stalking is often tied up with
domestic violence -- itself an area where law enforcement is still playing
catch-up -- and is not always recognized as a separate issue. Stalking is also
difficult to define: when does legal behavior, protected by the Constitution,
cross the line? Moreover, stalking laws can be difficult to enforce. Doing so
effectively requires well-trained officers and a victim who is willing and able
to keep careful records. Some experts even question whether the law is the best
way to handle a stalker. (See
"Tracking an Obsession.")
To be sure, the establishment of anti-stalking laws, both in this state and
across the nation, signals real progress in the battle against violence. Last
year, 374 stalking cases were arraigned in Massachusetts. And stalkers are
being incarcerated. For instance, in February of last year, 42-year-old Vernon
Isaac of Boston was sentenced to nine years in prison and batterer's classes
for stalking and threatening his former girlfriend in 1994. Over the last five
years, 417 stalking cases have been arraigned in Suffolk County.
"Prior to the creation of the [anti-]stalking laws, someone had to commit a
physical assault in order to be charged with a crime," says Nancy Scannell,
director of public policy for the Massachusetts Battered Women's Coalition. But
there are still women out there (and even some men) who say they need more
In mid-January, state legislators will vote on three bills that clarify who
qualifies as a stalker. This is an area where the current laws fall short, and
law enforcement compounds the problem. The Boston Police Department often logs
stalking as some other crime -- assault, domestic abuse, threats. So a common
method of dealing with a stalker is to issue a 209A domestic dispute
restraining order. But a large number of acquaintance and stranger stalking
situations go unresolved because 209As can only be obtained against a family or
household member.
"We have heard testimony about stranger stalking or situations in which
an individual is rebuffed but continues to pursue the person who rejected
them," says state senator Bill Keating (D-Sharon), chairman of the
legislature's judiciary committee, which drafted the amendments. "That's why
it's important that we broaden the definition of what constitutes a stalking
Margaret Macchi had no previous relationship with her stalker. That, coupled
with lack of concrete evidence, forced her to leave the state and start her
life over again.
The 41-year-old secretary says she fell victim to a sociopath who spotted her
at a laundromat in Framingham two years ago. A divorced mother of two teenage
boys, Macchi says she had a difficult time finding enough hours in the day to
juggle professional and family life. So she set up a schedule, and Tuesday
night was laundry night.
What she didn't realize, though, is that someone else was also following her
routine. Macchi says she was so busy trying to get the laundry done in time to
pick up her boys that she never noticed the short, stocky, balding man who
appeared in the laundromat every time she did.
One Tuesday Macchi was too busy to do her laundry, so she waited until the
next night. That's when her problems began.
"The entire time I was doing my laundry, I noticed this man pacing around the
washing machines -- I even remember thinking this guy reminded me of an animal
stalking his prey," she says.
He followed Macchi to her car and began screaming at her for not showing up
the night before. That was the start of 11 terrible months that included
threatening phone calls, broken windshields, and the attempted abduction of her
"When my son came home and told me that the man who hangs around in front of
our apartment tried to pick him up from school, I knew it was time to leave,"
says Macchi, who within a week relocated to another state. "No matter how many
times I tried to get help, nothing could be done because I didn't even know his
Macchi spoke to the police on several occasions, but other than the initial
confrontation in the laundromat, she has no proof that that man was her
harasser (police need a third-party witness). She was even unsuccessful at
finding anyone who witnessed the man trying to pick up her son at school. "My
story, with no evidence linking him to what was happening to me, sounded like a
well-spun tale," Macchi says with a sigh.
Dr. Elaine Alpert, assistant professor of public health and medicine at the
Boston University School of Medicine, says stranger stalking is not uncommon
when one considers the stalker profile.
"Stalkers are like rapists in that they seek empowerment through their
victim's fear," says Alpert, the only medical professional on the governor's
commission against domestic violence. "Many have a history of violence and do
not necessarily need to know their victim in order to feel empowered."
The judiciary committee's amendments will go beyond family and household
relationships, and those between people who are or were seriously dating, to
address non-dating, acquaintance, and stranger situations. If the bills pass,
no longer will strangers who stalk women be beneath the law. However, the
criteria for obtaining a 209A restraining order will not be changed: victims
whose stalkers are strangers, coworkers, or acquaintances will still not be
eligible for a 209A.
"They have received initial Senate approval, and we hope to achieve final
Senate approval by mid-January," says Senator Keating. "We are trying to get
the House to act on them, although they were rejected last year."
Apparently, the House questioned the constitutionality of the new amendments.
In Massachusetts, there are two types of restraining orders issued to victims
of violence: 209As and civil restraining orders. The 209A, the most common one,
can be filed only when someone feels threatened by a current or former spouse,
a relative, or someone they have lived with, have children with, or have been
seriously dating. Domestic 209As are filed at district court, and violations of
the order result in arrest and prosecution.
But in all other situations, the victim needs to file a civil restraining
order in superior court. Unlike 209As, which are free, civil restraining orders
come with a potentially hefty fee. Even more disheartening is the fact that
violating this type of restraining order doesn't always result in prosecution.
Two years ago, for instance, more than half of those who violated civil
restraining orders in Massachusetts were simply held in contempt and ordered to
pay a fine.
Statistics prove that the consequences of violating a civil restraining order
are not sufficiently severe. A study conducted by the Office of the
Commissioner of Probation shows that 32 percent of civil restraining orders
were violated in 1994. Among those violators, only 19.4 were incarcerated for
an extended period of time; 17.7 percent were jailed for a short period of time
and released on probation. But a full 50 percent received probation sentences,
and 12.9 percent were fined and released.
"The statute defining who is eligible for a 209A domestic violence restraining
order must be broadened," says Andrea Cabral of the Suffolk County DA's
domestic violence unit. "There is a whole group of victimized people who can't
seek criminal action through a 209A because they don't fit the criteria."
It can be done. This past January, New Hampshire changed its law to allow
those who were not meeting 209A criteria to obtain 209As. Now, victims can get
domestic restraining orders against people whom they don't necessarily know.
The change in legislation was motivated by the case of a woman who was being
stalked by a store clerk. The man had talked her into applying for a credit
card. Instead of submitting her application, however, he kept her information
and began pursuing her.
"There were too many instances in which people were coming to us with
complaints against strangers," says Dover DA George Wattendorf. "We had no
legal tools to handle such a situation, so we had to create one."
The legislature is also considering clarifying what constitutes "stalking." In
the age of modern technology, harassment can take place from a distance, but
the current law vaguely defines stalking as a type of physical behavior,
excluding such things as e-mails, pager messages, and faxed memos.
Take the case of James Richards of Attleboro. Although he was charged in April
1996 with sending more than 20 faxes to Needham-based WCVB-TV ( Channel 5) --
one appeared to be a bomb threat and was signed "Son of Sam" -- the case was
dismissed. The reason: fax harassment is not covered by the current statute.
Prosecutors have appealed the decision and begin arguing their case January
Then there's "Joanne."* A statuesque redhead with a bubbly personality, Joanne
has been working as a public relations employee for over three years. The
27-year-old native of Ireland claims to have a happy family life and an
ex-boyfriend with whom she remains on amicable terms. Still, over the past six
months, she has been receiving threatening e-mails at her job.
Although the threats are not overt, such messages as "I don't like to be made
upset so don't upset me" and "Bad things happen to bad people" have made Joanne
feel as though she is being watched and may be in some kind of danger.
"I don't know who it is, and every time I try to e-mail them back, I am told
the address doesn't exist," she says.
The city resident says she doesn't know of anyone following her and has never
been assaulted. She isn't convinced that a few annoying e-mails make hers a
stalking situation.
Scannell, of the Massachusetts Battered Women's Coalition, says e-mail
stalking is a growing problem because e-mail use is becoming such a common form
of communication.
"We are merely updating our laws to coincide with the progress of our times,"
Scannell says. "This is an age of technology."
Senator James Jajuga (D-Methuen) is sponsoring a telecommunications amendment
to the stalking laws. If it passes, threats via computer, phone, or any other
electronic communication outlet will be punishable by law. The vague language
of the current law leaves indirect forms of stalking, such as
telecommunications stalking, open to interpretation by a judge.
The current anti-stalking laws, critics say, also fail to address implicit,
nonverbal threats. Another amendment would cover nonconfrontational threats, so
that a woman would be protected against such acts as property damage. According
to the Office of Probation study, one-fourth of victims in Massachusetts say
their stalker damaged or destroyed their property or possessions. Even the
gesture of running a finger across one's throat, or leaving a dead rat on
someone's doorstep, is a form of stalking, says Diane Juliar, assistant
attorney general and chief of the state's family and community crimes bureau.
"Ann," a college junior, agrees. She reaches under the bed in her dorm room
and pulls out a plastic storage container designed to hold sweaters and other
But the athletic blond uses it to store "presents" left for her by her former
Among the items is a Barbie doll with a red line drawn around its neck, a
magazine photo of a supermodel's body (the head was torn off), and a newspaper
clipping about a woman in East Boston who was strangled to death by her
boyfriend last year.
"He doesn't need to say any more," Ann says. "I think I get his point."
Reworking the law will not be a panacea. Without proper enforcement and
prosecution, many stalking victims will continue to go without help.
One central problem is that nobody knows exactly what the current law has
accomplished. Sandra Adams, associate director of research for the commissioner
of probation, says that there are no accurate statistics for the number of
stalking arrests, prosecutions, or incarcerations.
"Many times, a stalking situation is reported to the police as something else,
such as assault and battery," Adams says. "So it is almost impossible to
precisely monitor stalking situations separate from domestic abuse, assault, or
According to Sergeant Detective Margot Hill of the Boston Police Department,
police academy cadets are taught that stalking is essentially a form of
domestic assault.
"We enforce the stalking laws based on the 209A domestic abuse laws," Hill
This is a large part of the problem, says Rhonda Martinson of the Battered
Women's Justice Project, in Minnesota.
"Stalking is a very difficult law to enforce because you are dealing with a
pattern of behavior that is not clearly defined, rather than a particular
incident, such as assault and battery," says Martinson, a former prosecutor.