The Boston Phoenix
Archive 1999 - 2001


Run, Tom, run!
House Speaker Tom Finneran is probably the only pol in the city who could give Mayor Tom Menino a good fight. Finneran says he won't run -- but city politicos would like nothing better.
from January 11, 2001

The domino theory

Next year will bring a rarity in Massachusetts politics: lots of job openings
from January 4, 2001

Litigation nation

In 2000, everyone discovered that the legal system is politics as usual
from December 28, 2000

The little referee

If George W. Bush thinks getting elected was hard, just wait until
he has to resolve clashes between his powerful advisers

from December 21, 2000

Filling the void

Bob Durand is the state's point man on waterfront negotiations. But whose vision is he pushing? The governor's, or his own?
from December 8, 2000

Prosperity's thin veneer

Signs are mounting that the long economic expansion may be slowing -- or worse. That could spell trouble for local political leaders. Is the public ready for tough choices? .
from November 30, 2000

The Mod Squad

With Congress split down the middle, New England's block of moderate senators will be more influential than ever .
from November 17, 2000

Gridlock and its discontents

It's fitting that our long national whine ends in Florida - the home state of Elián fanatics, suburban sprawl, rednecks, self-obsessed geezers, and overseas military personnel who vote by absentee ballot. .
from November 10, 2000

A one-term wonder

Neither Al nor George W. has staying power. Here's who looks good for 2004 .
from October 27, 2000

Clinton's ambition, Arafat's war

Clinton's zeal for a Nobel Peace Prize has brought the Middle East to the brink of war. Neither presidential candidate has what it takes to undo the damage.
from October 13, 2000

Back to the future

In their pursuit of votes, the candidates have made more appearances than ever on the chat-show circuit. But this election may hinge on something more old-fashioned: labor support.
from October 6, 2000

Debating JFK

Tuesday's debate takes place in the shadow of JFK's legacy. Al Gore, George W. Bush, and Kennedy have much in common, but this year's candidates pale in comparison to the real thing.
from September 28, 2000

Cheney's corporate past

Critics charge that the would-be VP ran a racist, oppressive company
from September 22, 2000

Finneran's wake?

Some state representatives up for re-election this fall are finding their relationship to the controversial House Speaker a hot issue on the campaign trail.
from September 15, 2000

McCain lite

The key to Gore's success? John McCain. Bush has failed to capitalize on McCain's blueprint for success with swing voters -- so Gore co-opted the issues.
from September 8, 2000

Under suspicion

The CIA's religious profiling comes under scrutiny. Plus, the presidential candidates' bogus military debate, and Gore's weak New Hampshire operation.
from August 31, 2000

Playing the faith card

Al Gore's pick of Senator Joseph Lieberman as his running mate has profound implications for American political life -- and for America's Jewish community
from August 11, 2000

Free to be the GOP

Despite the right-wing butt-kissing, the Bush-Cheney ticket marks the party's return to its roots: Big money and big business
from August 4, 2000

Virtual Dems

The Democrats have a secret contingency plan for convention protests
from July 29, 2000

It's not easy being Green

As the national Greens draw more attention than ever, a radical wing threatens to split the movement.
from July 21, 2000

Green Party gets serious

Intent on becoming a viable third party, the Greens are supplementing their grassroots efforts with a dose of political savvy
from June 30, 2000

Fenway follies

A new book questions public financing of sports stadiums, and Menino's choice of lunch pals raises a question: Will the Sox relocate to Suffolk Downs? Plus, more foreign-policy woes for Bush and Gore.
from June 16, 2000

Foreign object

President Clinton has made a mess of international affairs. Is either candidate up to the job of forging a strong foreign policy?
from June 9, 2000

The golden GOP

Bush is making inroads into California. Plus, Rick Lazio's superficial appeal, and a plan by Central Massachusetts lawmakers to foul up Fenway financing
from June 2, 2000

Birmingham's boy wonder

State Senator Mark Montigny could be a contender
from April 27, 2000

Are local Republicans determined to fail?

Sure looks that way. Even slickster Bill Weld won't talk about it.
from April 14, 2000

Who would Bush appoint to the Supreme Court?

George W.'s Texas track record suggests that his appointees would be (what a surprise!) conservatives
from April 7, 2000

Making the rounds

Tom Birmingham makes a pitch for education. Plus, a money man from Medford travels overseas with President Clinton, Boston indulges in St. Patrick's Day high jinks, and Pat Buchanan visits Harvard.
from March 24, 2000

Is Grossman our next governor?

The former DNC bigwig has been crisscrossing the state to meet political activists. Some say he's laying the groundwork for a gubernatorial run.
from March 17, 2000

Going south

George W. Bush has strong Latino support in Texas. But he's not likely to extend it nationwide by November.
from March 10, 2000

Vice-presidential sweepstakes

Who'll be number two? The old game of geographical diversity is out the window. Both parties are looking for a strong brand name.
from March 3, 2000

California dreamin'

The California primary could reward Election Day losers. Plus, George W.'s cash-flow problem, Big Dig money woes, and David Frum's groovy new book
from February 18, 2000

Like father, like son

The Bush clan doesn't like to change strategies -- or advisers. That spelled doom in '92, and it's doing the same thing now.
from February 11, 2000

And now, the real world

The voters have spoken -- but not for long. After New Hampshire, the establishment bosses kick into action.
from February 4, 2000

Spinning loyalty

The Gore camp prepares to explain why the VP stood up for his philandering boss. Plus, the politics of the Skakel case, and the incredible shrinking governor.
from January 28, 2000

See Jane govern

Jane Swift is a cabinet appointment away from becoming governor. But a fresh look at our 34-year-old lieutenant governor suggests she isn't yet ready for prime time.
from January 21, 2000

New Hampshire diary

Is McCain a political cross-dresser? Is Bush letting conservative hatchet men fight his battles? One reporter hits the road in search of answers.
from January 14, 2000


Expect the mother of all negative campaigns in the 2000 presidential election
from January 7, 2000

It's the economy, stupid

The vibrant, multinational economic climate is making state politics less relevant to the future
from December 31, 1999

Labor pains

The alliance between Al Gore and big labor exposes the Clinton administration's soft line on union corruption
from December 24, 1999

Going for broke

Al Gore is running out of money. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
from December 17, 1999

Early exit?

Is Paul Cellucci Beltway bound? Some seem to hope so.
from December 3, 1999

Early frost

Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate campaign has lost much of its summer sizzle
from November 26, 1999

Off message

Al Gore touts the `new economy' and the tech companiesthat fuel it. He also wants to end suburban sprawl. But you can't have the first without the second.
from November 19, 1999

Taking sides

In Massachusetts Democratic circles, the Bradley vs. Gore battle looks like a rematch of Tsongas vs. Clinton. Will the outcome differ?
from November 12, 1999

Republicanism and its discontents

Pat Buchanan has left the GOP, neocon intellectuals can't get anyone to listen to them, and congressional Republicans have never been weaker.
from October 29, 1999

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