Amazon eats
Howler Bars and Sorbeija
A trip to the Amazon inspired a California schoolteacher to buy rare
organic fruits from small cooperatives in the Amazon and turn them into
delicious frozen treats. Named after the noisy monkeys of that region, Howler
Bars ($1.19) may have you swinging from the rafters. Sorbeija -- a sorbet made
from fruit, fruit pectin, evaporated cane juice, and water ($2.99 a pint) --
comes in range of intense flavors: Caribbean Cherry, Passion Planet, Tropical
Tangerine, Guava-Berry, and Primal Scream Coffee Bean. Both Howler Bars and
Sorbeija are available in the frozen-food section of Bread & Circus. During
the first week of November, buy a pint of Sorbeija at the Fresh Pond Bread
& Circus and get a free Howler Bar.
-- Nancy Kalajian