A fungus among us
Agribosco truffle oil
Noshing & Sipping by Theresa Regli
It was the French culinary philosopher Brillat-Savarin who wrote than no meal
can be truly gastronomic without truffles. When added to a dish, pieces of the
pungent, earthy gem are often accompanied by a few drops of overwhelmingly
aromatic truffle oil. Agribosco, an Italian farm in Umbria, harvests both white
and black truffles and infuses extra virgin olive oil with them. Just a few
drops of the oil (which is very strong) makes a decadent addition to many
recipes, particularly those that call for shavings of fresh truffle. A
10-centiliter bottle -- which will last a while, since the oil is used in such
small amounts -- costs $19.99 at Marty's Liquors in Allston.
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