The Boston Phoenix
Review from issue: May 4 - 11, 2000

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Three and a half stars

Being John Malkovich


Spike Jonze's feature debut has puppeteer Craig Schwartz (John Cusack) being bugged by wife Lotte (Cameron Diaz) to get a job, so he becomes a file clerk, falls for haughty co-worker Maxine (Catherine Keener), and discovers a portal to John Malkovich's mind behind a file cabinet. He and Maxine scheme to sell tickets to John's mind, but then Lotte enters the portal and falls in love with Maxine, who falls in love with her thinking she's Malkovich -- which incites Craig to drastic measures in one of the most mind-boggling love quadrangles in the history of movies. The film labors somewhat with contrivance, but it's still one of the most philosophically provocative screwball comedies ever made.

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