The House of Yes
Adapted from the Wendy MacLeod play, Mark Waters's The House of Yes is a
house of cards -- a flimsy structure of forced whimsy, contrived absurdity, and
hit-and-miss outrageousness held together by two shrewd and powerful
performances. One is from the ubiquitous Parker Posey, who turns in her best
work to date in her most over-the-top role as Jackie-O, the privileged,
psychopathic daughter of the serenely twisted Mrs. Pascal -- who's played with
equal brilliance by Geneviève Bujold.
It seems that long ago, on the day John Kennedy was assassinated, Mr. Pascal
mysteriously disappeared and Jackie-O developed a fetishistic fascination with
Camelot, especially the late president's widow, whom she dresses up as. She
also developed an unusually intense affection for her twin brother, Marty (a
bumptious Josh Hamilton). Her host of symptoms, barely controlled by chemicals,
erupt when Marty visits the family manse at the height of a hurricane with his
new, blue-collar fiancée Lesly (a horsy Tori Spelling) in tow. The family
dysfunctions mount with the storm, and what begins as promising farce collapses
into nonsense. Fortunately, all the best lines belong to Posey and Bujold, who
deliver them with, respectively, acid hysteria and regal malevolence, providing
the stabilizing eye for this histrionic hurricane. Screens at the Copley
Place Tuesday the 16th at 7 and 9:30 p.m. and Wednesday the 17th at 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 and 2:30
p.m. Director Mark Waters will appear before Tuesday's 7 p.m. screening.
-- Peter Keough