[sidebar] The Boston Phoenix
Review from issue: December 25, 1997 - January 1, 1998

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Wings and water, love and death
1997 film in review
by Peter Keough

Plump fiction

Quentin Tarantino gets off color in Jackie Brown
by Peter Keough

Unblocking Harry

Woody Allen deconstructs himself
by Gary Susman

Happy hunting

Gus Van Sant spreads good will
by Peter Keough

Tragic bus

Finding peace in The Sweet Hereafter
by Peter Keough

This week's trailers:

Mr. Magoo
Jour de fête
The Postman
The Tango Lesson
Will It Snow for Christmas?
An American Werewolf in Paris

Read reviews from: | 12-18-97 | 12-11-97 | 12-04-97 | 11-26-97 | 11-20-97 | 11-13-97 | 11-06-97 | 10-30-97 | 10-23-97 | 10-16-97 | 10-09-97 | 10-02-97 | 09-25-97 | 09-18-97 | 09-11-97 | 09-04-97 | 08-28-97 | 08-21-97 | 08-14-97 & before |

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