[sidebar] The Boston Phoenix
January 22 - 29, 1998

[Movie Reviews]

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Swept From The Sea

Swept From The Sea Based on the short story "Amy Foster," by Joseph Conrad, this adaptation by Beeban Kidron (Used People, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar) is set in 19th-century Cornwall, where storm-ravaged cliffs and windy moors provide a thrilling backdrop for the tale of a beautiful servant girl who marries a Ukrainian wayfarer. Strapping, swarthy Yanko (Queen Margot's Vincent Perez) is the sole survivor of an immigrant ship that washes up on the shores of a tiny village. He stumbles inland and onto the farm where Amy (the beguiling, otherworldly Rachel Weisz) works, and since he is filthy, raving, and speaks no English, he is believed to be a lunatic. Amy herself is thought to be a simpleton, or possibly a witch, because she rarely speaks, dances in the rain, and collects debris from the sea. They fall instantly in love but are forbidden to see each other. Kindly Dr. Kennedy (Sir Ian McKellen in a flawless performance) befriends Yanko, teaching him English. Despite being ostracized by most of the village, the two lovers eventually marry.

Although the screenplay occasionally descends into sentimentality, the film looks authentic and is brilliantly acted (though Perez's Slavic accent does falter at times). Sumptuous cinematography and a subtle, pervasive sensuality make Kidron's first foray into period drama a memorable one. At the Coolidge Corner.

-- Peg Aloi
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