The Boston Phoenix
Review from issue: April 23 - 30, 1998

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I Think I Do

College roommates Brendan and Bob are the "bestest" of friends until just messing around almost turns into "messing around." Bob later confides in his friends that he has a crush on Brendan -- who recognizes as much and freaks out. Fast-forward five years later to a friend's wedding. Brendan and Bob meet again, and we find Bob is dating soap stud Sterling Scott. But by now Brendan realizes that, hey, he is gay, and, hey, he does love Brendan. You know where it goes from there.

Although I Think I Do means to be a screwball comedy about gay love, its attempts to be scatterbrained and silly come off as corny, campy, and contrived. The interplay between Bob and Brendan is the small bright light; cardboard cutout Sterling as Bob's significant other provides no real romantic tension. This film reminded me of DeGrassi Junior High School, that show about Canadian teenagers that used to air on public television: the same raw film actors, low budgets, and bad lines like "Don't tell me. You've fallen and you can't get up." As a gay romantic comedy, I Think I Do is different but, unfortunately, not special. At the Kendall Square.

-- Rachel O'Malley
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