**1/2 Mark Morrison
The theme is
wanna-make-love, put to prospective beloveds with a gentle touch not unlike
that of Babyface. Except that Morrison sings a soft baritone croon rather than
an intense tenor. Also different is Morrison's willingness to talk some
buff-stuff trash ("Moan and Groan," "Horny") now and then without compromising
the seriousness of his serenade. His relaxed approach to tense moments ("Get
High with Me," "Crazy," " Let's Get Down") is mirrored by the music's patient
tempos and light-touch style of funk: both producers, Phill Chill and
Brockpocket, favor drum work that skims the beat on notes a full octave higher
than the widebodied but breezy bass line underpinning all 12 of Morrison's
tracks. And if he seems as limited a singer as the narrowcast of the music --
the music new-jacks while he talk-sings and croons -- the back-up singers who
go "I like the way you do it, like the way you funk" over and over in the CD's
title tune sure don't seem ready to roam.
-- Michael Freedberg
(Mark Morrison joins the Jamizon tour this Friday, August 8, at
Harborlights Pavilion; call 423-NEXT.)