*** The Notwist
(Zero Hour)
Prog rock is making a big comeback, and
Germany's Notwist are one of its better contemporary exponents. They draw
heavily on native influences, specifically the metronomic percussive structures
of krautrock giants Can and the cool vocal stylings of Nico. (Both Notwist
singer Markus Archer and guest vocalist Cindy Dall of Smog bring to mind the
artless delivery of the one-time Velvet Underground femme fatale.) There's also
a good dose of the kind of dreamy, layered dual-guitar textures that New York
avant-gardists like Sonic Youth and Yo La Tengo specialize in.
Add to that the Notwist's penchant for audiophile tricks like hard-panning the
entire mix from side to side, the abstract and arty sleeve design, and their
seemingly humorless demeanor, and you've got a recipe for pretension. Yet it's
those high-art aspirations that distinguish the Notwist from bands who merely
aspire to little more than fitting some inane definition of modern rock. And
there's enough worthwhile material on 12's two discs (which collect
singles and other material previously released on smaller foreign labels) to
recommend taking their seriousness seriously.
-- Joe S. Harrington