**1/2 The Lookers
Thanks in part to the rapid
Collective Soul-ification of mainstream rock, a band as unpolished as this
self-proclaimed "dyke-pop" trio from Portland, Oregon, can once again be
refreshing. Of course, it's not simply the absence of slick production values,
the simplicity of the jangle-and-strum songs, the imperfection of the
harmonies, or the pronounced artlessness of the playing that makes In Clover
appealing. It's the way those elements combine to create an intimate
immediacy. Like Sleater-Kinney -- the best known emissaries from the
Northwest's burgeoning lesbian rock scene -- the Lookers get by without a
bassist, relying instead on two scrappy rhythm guitars and the melodic strength
of their material. Singer/guitarist Sarah Dougher offers tributes to Lady Bird
Johnson and track star Wilma Rudolph, snapshots of the 9-to-5 office life and a
trip to DC, and lightly poetic personal reflections of stray good times and
let-downs, in serious but never strident tones. It's music that doesn't aim to
change the world, only to rearrange it one small piece at a time.
(The Lookers open for Kaia this Friday, October 17, at Ryles. Call