PAUL TAYLOR DANCE COMPANY. May 20 through 22 at the Shubert Theatre, 265 Tremont Street in the Theater District. Tickets are $42 to $60; call (800) 447-7400. LORRAINE HUNT LIEBERSON. The Boston-based, internationally acclaimed mezzo-soprano revisits signature material — Bach cantatas — with Craig Smith and Emmanuel Music, the orchestra that gave Liberson her start. In a benefit for the Emmanuel, she’ll preview a European tour by performing Cantata No. 82, Ich habe Genug, and Cantata No. 199, Mein Herze schwimmt in Blut, in a concert staged by Peter Sellars, on June 2 at the Cutler Majestic Theatre, 219 Tremont Street in the Theater District. Tickets are $45 to $75; call (800) 233-3123. NICK HORNBY. The literary patron saint of record geeks (High Fidelity), English football punters (Fever Pitch), and Hugh Grant (About a Boy), Hornby is the most adaptable former rock critic (for the New Yorker, briefly) in the screenwriting diaspora. His forthcoming A Long Way Down (Penguin), about four would-be suicides who meet by chance on a London rooftop, has already been optioned, and Johnny Depp is co-producing. With How To Be Good in production, and movie versions of Fever Pitch having been released on both shores (the recent Drew Barrymore/Red Sox picture was more of an adaptation), Hornby may soon enjoy the distinction of having written five novels that have been made into six films. On June 7 at 6 p.m., he’ll read at the Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard Street in Brookline. Tickets are $2 and available through Brookline Booksmith; call (617) 566-6660. FROGZ. Oregon’s Imago Theatre brings the Boston premiere of this whimsical, Mummenschanz-like carnival of perplexed penguins, cats, orbs, and Slinkys to Harvard Square for an American Repertory Theatre–produced run at Zero Arrow Theatre, intersection of Arrow Street and Massachusetts Avenue, June 21 through July 10. Tickets are $36 to $72, call (617) 547-8300. |
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