BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN | October 20 at the DCU Center, Worcester | October 28 at the TD Banknorth Garden, Boston | Tickets $55 and $85 | on sale Friday at 10 am | 617.931.2000 | BLOODHOUND GANG | October 28 at Axis, Boston | $15 | on sale Friday at 10 am | 617.423.NEXT | H.I.M. + FINCH + SKINDRED | November 17 at Avalon, Boston | $27 | on sale Friday at noon | 617.931.2000 | NINE INCH NAILS + QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE + DEATH FROM ABOVE 1979 | November 8 at the TD Banknorth Garden, Boston | on sale Saturday at 10 am | 617.931.2000 | GALACTIC | November 10 at the Paradise, Boston | $20 | on sale Saturday at noon | 617.562.8800 | ANDREW BIRD + HEAD OF FEMUR | November 15 at the Middle East, Cambridge | $13 | on sale Tuesday at 10 am | 617.931.2000 | ROYCE THE 5-9 + DEVIN THE DUDE | Audible Mainframe + Slaine | November 3 at the Middle East, Cambridge | $20 | 617.931.2000.